Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Goal Deployment Training

A couple weeks ago I was offered the opportunity to join the top management of our company for special training for a new process to create goals and implement useful action plans.  The training was overall quite helpful and will hopefully be a useful tool for the people more involved with the operations.  My role was to add to the discussion and provide some financial analysis to the goals the teams were setting. 

I was quite proud of myself for my level of attention to these long meetings given my track record from school.  I had very little difficulty fighting off sleep despite the grueling 12.5 hour meeting on day 1 and 10 hour meeting on day 2.  However, I did find myself a little stir-crazy on the second day and started to doodle a bit.  As we walked our way through the 110 page power point, I couldn’t help but notice the ridiculous clipart pictures tossed in.  Some were just silly like a caveman chipping at a wheel demonstrating that we don’t need to “reinvent the wheel,” while others just came off creepy when printed without colors.  To entertain myself, I took to adding dialog to some of the pictures.  This one in particular was a gem to work with.  It came up every time we had a breakout group session:

Despite the concern I had that someone would pick up my book by mistake and see the comments, I pressed on.  Here are some of my cartoons I thought you would find amusing:

I’d love some reader input here.  The main reason I put the blank one on top is to get others to copy and add there own dialogue.  I don’t think you can embed the picture in a comment, but you can put it online and post a link, or email it to me, and I’ll make another post with reader’s cartoons. 

Thanks for reading.  

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Life of an Analyst

If you have a little bit of curiosity of what it would be like to to have my job, or if you work in a corporate setting, you might greatly appreciate this. All of the jargon they use in this video is purely hysterical. I kid you not when I say I've heard at least 90% of these phrases around the office and often in contradiction to each other as displayed so beautifully here.