Friday, December 11, 2009


I’ve spent the last few days occasionally thinking about what I wanted to write for my Q post. There are a number of words that start with the letter Q, but I couldn’t manage to fit a Q word to any of the events of my life over the past week. In fact, nothing very interesting happened to me over the past week. I did have the opportunity to be an expert witness for questioning in a bankruptcy court. However, that ended up not being a significant event as I drove all the way to Wilmington, DE to find out the judge approved our motion outside of court, and I turned around and drove back immediately.

I considered writing about the humorously boring evening that Keith and I spent walking around Best Buy talking geeky tech talk. I kid you not, it declined to serious discussion on the type of washing machines and refrigerators we might one day purchase. But then my thoughts trended toward the letter Q itself, and how peculiar it is. Liz and I occasionally play the alphabet game on our trips together. Though she normally dominates me, the key to victory is finding the Q. It is all down hill from there. It’s hard to find words with Q because I honestly think the letter is not all that important. Are there any words with the letter Q that couldn’t ultimately have the Q replaced by a C or K? It would make some words look a little funny, because we are familiar with the Q, but I believe it would work. At the same time, other languages rely on the Q a bit more that we do. I think the French might struggle to erase the letter from there language. “Ku’est-ce kue tu dis” just doesn’t work the same.

That concludes my thoughts for the day.

Merci pour la lecture


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