Thursday, March 11, 2010

Z is for Zack

Is there a better way to end the alphabet?  I assure you there is not.  I thought it would be fun to close off this series of posts with some very random facts about the author of this blog.  Not knowing what they are at this point it time, I can predict that most will not surprise you, but the majority will none the less be fairly odd.

  1. I’ve spent entirely too much time already thinking about Man Weekend 2010.  Despite the fact that I am going to be in China in less than two weeks, I’m already getting excited about the prospects of this year’s festival of manhood filled with fire, guns, competition, meat, and booze. 
  2. I know exactly what I would ask for if I found a magic lamp with a genie granting me 3 wishes
    1. Monetary:  I don’t want an abundance of wealth that I would have to worry about being taken or running out, or even tax implications.  I would simply like to be able to reach into my pocket and pull out the exact amount of money I want in any situation.  How awesome would that be?  Never having to worry about carrying money or balances.  “Hi, I would like to purchase that car.  How much will that be?... ok, here you go.”  I would like a hot dog please.  BAM. $1.50.  It would also be very convenient for traveling internationally as the power would clearly work for any currency.  “Here’s 800 yen… Here’s 50 Euros…. Here’s a goat.
    2. Super Powers:  All of the powers of superman with the ability to turn them off and copy them to another person.  The powers of superman would clearly be awesome, but I feel like sometimes, you would just want to be normal.  I also think you would want to share your abilities with others, especially flying.  What good would it be if I can fly anywhere in the world and beyond if Liz and Wes couldn’t go with me?  Of course I would have to be very careful about who found out about my powers and almost no one could know my powers could be copied.  I’ll just have to deal with that problem as it comes up.
    3. Set the genie free:  If genies exist, I can only assume that the Aladdin principles apply. 
  3. In any social occasion, at almost any point, I would rather us play a competitive sport / activity than do what we are currently doing.  Sure I like sitting around and talking, or a good meal, or watching a movie, or a board game, but if any one in the room is up for a game of tennis, ping pong, football, ultimate Frisbee, basketball, etc.  Let’s go.
  4. I’m George Costanza when it comes to public restrooms.  I’m not really exaggerating here.  The decisions I have made in past situations would probably shock you, but I’m not going into those stories here.  I will say that China is going to be an issue.  With some exaggeration, I’m thinking about just holding it.  Like George when he was in India. 
  5.  I think I’m a darn good driver and would like so much to be a part of a car chase.  It doesn’t matter if I’m being chased or chasing someone else.
  6. One thing I would love to do, but will most likely never get the opportunity, is get chased by some cops in an urban setting.
  7. I spend more time than you could possibly imagine daydreaming about terrorists charging my current location with guns.  I know the exact plan that would execute to put myself in a position to counter-attack.  Though I am screwed in my office with high walls 3 stories up and my back to the door, I think I have a PK route from the front door of the office to the bottom floor if the elevators are out of service.  Clearly the stairs are a bad idea.  At the same time, I am always ready to flip some pews at church for cover.    
  8. I can’t wait until I have my own place where I can build a workshop to forge.
  9. From time to time I think to myself that I could build an alternate energy fueled rocket pack in my spare time.  I have to force myself to the reality that I would inevitably fail.
  10. Enough people have commented me on my writing to make me want to write a book.  Though completely ludicrous to think I could get published, it’s fun to dream.  I am, however, strongly considering writing a short story to put on my blog.  How could I even begin to think about success in a book if my short story is crap?   
  11. I am way too trusting of people.
  12. I want to engage in a fist fight for noble reasons.
  13. I am completely convinced that I am in no way meeting my potential in life.

Thank you all for reading along through the alphabet. I thought number 13 was a good number to end on cause well…. 14.  I’m not superstitious.   


Linda said...

Zack, I found you list very intriguing b/c I didn't know most of these things about you. I was particularly enchanted by the 3 wishes.
About George Costanza and public restrooms - perhaps you remember the "red flag" in the bookstore bathroom. I trust you are above that.

Ali said...

"Here's a goat." Heh heh.

This was enlightening. It's nice to know I'm not the only one making a plan for when gunmen charge the building (except I have specific people in mind, and they're all co-workers.) The difference between you and me is that you consider a counter-attack, whereas I try to figure out how long it would take them to check the third stall in the Men's Room where I'd invariably be hiding. As for church, I always hoped the nursery attendants would hear the kerfuffle over the speaker system and call the police. I'm not feeling good about my chances of making it out.

I eagerly await your short story.

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